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Emo is a word used to describe kids who are complete and utter failures at life.

Emo kid "Your so mean to me! Nobody understands me in this world! I'm going to cut myself now!"

Set "Do it dumbass! Give the knife, i'll do it for you!!"

by Set Abominae March 15, 2007

32πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

Amon Amarth

Amon Amarth is a Melodic Viking Death metal band from Sweden that was started in 1992. They kick major ass, and have well written lyrics. Seriously, Dragonforce could learn a thing or two from the songwriter. They have an excellent sound, and they are one of the best heavy metal bands of modern times. This is a band that TRUE metal fans appreciate.

Amon Amarth is a band with music that reminds all the TRUE metal fans why we love this genre.

by Set Abominae March 15, 2007

401πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž


An excellent game for Xbox. The original Halo came out on launch day, and it was the reason many people bought the system. Halo 2 was released on November 9, 2004, and it surpassed the original in quality. Now the gaming world waits for Halo 3. Come on Bungie!!

Set "Who wants to come over to my house and play halo 2 all night long?"

by Set Abominae March 15, 2007

54πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

blind guardian

Blind Guardian is the best modern metal band this side of Iced Earth. Their music kicks major ass and they have consistently turned out quality albums without selling out like many band do. When Hansi Kürsch (The lead singer) and Jon Schaffer (Iced Earth frontman) created the Demons and Wizards albums, it was the most kickass sounding side project ever.

"Hell yeah! Blind Guardian fuckin' rules! BG And Iced Earth forever!"

by Set Abominae March 15, 2007

104πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Currently the President of the United States. He is hands down the worst president of modern times, and is a disgrace to the image of America everywhere. He was reelected in 2004, due to all the Rednecks and Christan right assholes supporting him. George Bush's reelection is proof of the declining level of intelligence among Americans.

Set "George Bush has made it clear that he is the decider. Yes, i know. We are all fucked."

by Set Abominae March 15, 2007

33πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


Slipknot refers to one of two things.

1.A type of knot that is also referred to as a running knot
2.The biggest insult to TRUE Metal ever.

Set "Slipknot is a band that was adopted by some emo bitches who wanted to appear hardcore."

by Set Abominae March 15, 2007

58πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž

Anime Music Video

Anime Music Videos are one of the primary reasons that the internet is full of garbage. These peices of shit are churned out by the hundreds each hour onto the internet because all the Japanophiles and Wapanese retards have to much time on their hands. It's a commonly known fact that most AMV's use Linkin Park. It's not really known why all the anime freaks use this music, probably due to high levels of Emo in their songs. The anime music videos that don't use LP most likely use other Emo music, or worse, shitty J-pop.

Set "Posting an Anime Music Video on the internet is essentially the same thing as littering."

by Set Abominae March 15, 2007

138πŸ‘ 107πŸ‘Ž