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the state of considering oneself nihonjin, a person of the empire of the red sun, or the language, nihongo日本語, tongue and pen of the red lighted kingdom below.
Nihon, or, Nippon, is the Japanese word for japan and all its brought about chains of colonies and kingdoms descended from conquerors and immigrants dating back some millions of years, or thousands, according to western references descended from European book burners and historical thieves and counterfeiters, as the Japanese would say, for using their OWN historical archives, and storytellers. The idea that a million million authors like the ref., 'greek, Homer' would not be credited by Japanese people, is unheard of, or mocked or responded to violently and vehemently, by these said japanese historians and scholars.

"To speak Japanese, nihongo, one must forget the use of one set of dictionary definitions, and learn to read and listen in kanji ideals, likening to the fact that one word, in the course of others, beside it, can paint infinite definitions, for its use not alone, but often well associated with olde japanese poems and ideals."
"The Japanese people, nihonjin, have long believed themselves to be the really, really, really interesting counterparts to everybody else's idea of broken languages, for in theirs will repair yours, quite readily, and many and more japanese people believe this to be true, always, for their languages have existed for untold, by some, but existed for millenia uncounted for countless ages, outside any modern calendar"

by Setsuko Kaguya September 28, 2016

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besting someone with that you had a trump card. "you activated my trap card," if the trap card was so valuable in play there that it changed the course of the game THERE, it was a trump card.
card, can refer to what you've used to act further into play

He had cards we didn't know about he kept trumping everyone at the table.

by Setsuko Kaguya December 24, 2018


the idea that in lieu of better writing, only the fool with the pen could write that the pen was mightier than the sword, so due tell, when no one has swords, around, and everybody still writes or draws their thoughts in any way shape or form
hieroglyphics are characters of penmanship, and so all illustrative imagery, however symbollic in origins, can be classed as expressions of penmanship in varying degrees, styles and effectiveness.
penmanship may also refer to the ability to adhere to certain grammatical phrasings and word uses in narrowed down parts of the human race, demons

"I don't think you can grade me on this thing, and call it poor penmanship. my grandmother is a scholar in quebec, and she knows this checks out splendidly, she said. what standard are you holding me to, exatly?"
"I felt like I could understand ever passage you wrote, each connecting intricately to the other; remarkable penmanship, I'd have to say, and gladly do so, Steven..." "Gee! Thanks Mr. Miles!"

by Setsuko Kaguya October 2, 2016

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For eons said when you wanted to say retarded, so the sound was different, and you said retard, so you said retárd, not spelled like that until Zack Galiffinakas a world famous actor, said it in form where it was very funny, and intentional, because he's a wise Guy.

"Well maybe we should tell that to Rain Man…because he practically bankrupted a casino, and he was a retárd."

by Setsuko Kaguya December 12, 2018

Hogwarts Elementary

1. Used by the infamous Harry Potter to put his name in the Goblet of Fire when Dumbledore tried to draw a line through the school, an AGE line, and say you were not, at Hogwarts, but there you were, at Hogwarts Elementary, apparently.
2. a classical dupe using wizardry when someone's tried to bar children, using magic
3. kids besting you with magic like it was easy and you're a fraud, from the fable that Albus Dumbledore could tell you a school was admitted to the tournament and younger kids were not there.

"Harry said if he HAD wanted to do it, since he IS at Hogwarts anyway, it's not like he can't best you it's Elementary really." "He said Hogwarts Elementary?" "Oh, no, yes he did, fuck."

by Setsuko Kaguya December 24, 2018


communication with spirits, if elements were intellectual and devils could be told, not to exist they're trying for it with you, the nothing that comes?
the idea that, lightning is idea, most surely definitely, and so could you be a lightning mage and bend, it at your will, or harness the static in another's mind, and send the bolt, electric, that he could need to think of something suddenly, his terrain his own, or that he would see you do it, here, was it real.

What sorcery is this? means, what are you trying to say to me? or where do you come from?

by Setsuko Kaguya December 12, 2018

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1. An english word for Love
but ex like time is space is music, you use and can it differently.
2. When referring to an entity, it is most commonly meaning one of 8 animal gods Cat(christian, child), Monkey, Wolf(chance), Mermaid(goddess), Reptile(yoda, frog), Father(man), Owl(l o r d), Hawk(darkness, witnessing, seer)

In the Name of God, you are Nothing for me...
What's all this love about the world without knowing it was God in name alone, you think?

by Setsuko Kaguya December 12, 2018

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