A handsome fella, Can do 360 layups in basketball.
His dick larger then the OU
Girl: Is that Jack bellinger?
Girl 2: YES
Girl: *Ejaculates*
having a really large penis
"wow Jack Gunn has a Jack Bellinger"
A Literal god, his power is unmatched exept maybe Jack Gunn. he can use his mind to control your Genitals. He is so Powerful he can make anyone Cum.
"Who would win in a fight, Jack Gunn or Cory O'Brien?"
"Jack Gunn would but Cory O'Brien would Come Close."
Jack Gunn is an Extremely Smart Human Being, who Owns the earth and has conqured The universe.
"Is that Jack Gunn?"
"yes, i jizzed my pants"
Jack Gunn Is an Extremly Powerful and smart Overlord, He is capable of Bringing death to anyone.
"What would you do if Jack Gunn Came for you?"
"Not if, When"
Going into a paralytic shock from not having enough Mc Donalds
Usually occurs in obese people
Andrew has not had enough maccas today, he went into hypotrigenic or hypotriogentical shock.