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joint school operation

an piece of written homework that you do with a partner

a competent teacher will be able to tell the difference between a joint school operation and an individually plagiarized homework

by Sexydimma July 14, 2015


Nuclear Armageddon

Am I dreaming or is rhe word nukemaggedon self explanatory?

by Sexydimma October 20, 2022

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1) pretty self explanatory
2) combo of the words nuclear and, you guessed it, Armageddon

Am I the only one who can come up with the definition of something like nukemaggedon? Am I dreaming or do you have to be born before the cuban missile crisis in order to create such as definition?

by Sexydimma October 8, 2022


A combo of the words nuclear and, you guessed it, Armageddon.

Why is Putin still alive? Why does he talk nukemaggedon in such a flippant manner ?

by Sexydimma October 19, 2022

to turn on your kavorka

for a man, to learn the art of how to become a Don Juan

son: dad, is there anything i can do attract girls? I don't know what to do anymore.

father: yes there is. you learn how to turn on your kavorka, to the best of your abilities and become a ladies man. too bad they don't teach that in schools these days.

by Sexydimma May 6, 2012


(do not forget the dot between each letter of the acronym)

acronym for stupid pathetic arrogant moron

the only place on the net where you can 'publicly' vent your anger by calling your teacher a s.p.a.m is this site- that IMHO should be banned altogether- called ratemyteacher.com

by Sexydimma February 14, 2014

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acronym for smartass pathetic arrogant moron

the only place on the net where you can 'publicly' vent your anger by calling your teacher a s.p.a.m is this site- that IMHO should be banned altogether- called ratemyteacher.com

by Sexydimma September 28, 2013

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