A phrase meaning : normal and civilized- however one is to define these terms- people don't behave the way you do.
A boy comes home from physical sciences class and starts putting scissors in the electric plug.
His mother: James, is this f-sag? What are you doing? Pigs don't fly you silly.
James: it's not f-sag, it's to impress my physics teacher.
a phrase used to mean "civilized" (however one defines this word) people don't behave the way you do. One can also add the adjective "normal" in front of the adjective civilized.
a boy, after having been to physical science class in elementary school and having learned the basics of electricity, tries putting scissors in the kitchen plug.
His mother starts screaming at him:
mother: is this f-sag you twit? what are you doing, you'll burn the damn house down. Pigs don't fly. Go to your room now. She then takes a broom and starts chasing him around the house.
son: I can attach balloons to anything i want, no? now please apply the phrase pigs don't fly to yourself. i haven't seen that many mothers chase their sons around their houses with bloody brooms; therefore this behavior, I will conclude, must be neither normal nor, in fact, civilized.
a phrase used to mean "civilized" (however one defines this word) people don't behave the way you do. One can also add the adjective "normal" in front of the adjective civilized.
a boy, after having been to physical science class in elementary school and having learned the basics of electricity, tries putting scissors in the kitchen plug.
His mother starts screaming at him:
mother: is this f-sag you twit? what are you doing, you'll create sparks and burn the damn house down. Pigs don't fly. Go to your room now. She then takes a broom and starts chasing him around the house.
son: I can attach balloons to anything i want, (turn anything I want into a fad or trend) no?
a phrase meaning "normal" and "civilized" (however one defines these words) people don't behave the way you do
a boy, after attending physical science class in elementary school, tries putting scissors in the kitchen plug.
His mother starts admonishing him:
mother: is this f-sag you twit? what are you doing, you'll create sparks, burn the house down. Pigs don't fly. Go to your room now (starts chasing him with a broom)
boy: I can attach balloons to anything i want, no?
a phrase meaning: normal and civilized -however one defines these words- people don't behave the way you do
a boy, after attending physical science class in elementary school, tries putting scissors in the kitchen plug.
His mother starts admonishing him:
mother: is this f-sag you twit? what are you doing? you'll burn the house down. Pigs don't fly. Go to your room, NOW. (starts chasing him with a broom)
boy: (under his breath): I can attach balloons to anything I want, no?
Don't get into a Calgary flame unless you can handle the emotional side effects of such a relationship
1) (v) to attract, through social media, attention to political issues so important to you that you are ready to go on a crusade in order to defend said issues.
2) (n): something that, prior to the advent of the social media phenomenon, was known as a 'pound key') on your phone.
I am going to hashtag ''Mitt Romney for president'', and no i won't press the hashtag-pound key- on my phone, because it doesn't serve any purpose.
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