A new psychiatric disorder similar to gender dysphoria but you're genetically incapable of understanding that climate is part of your external locus of control and therefore cannot be geoengineered to fit our godless understanding of climate change
When you suffer from climate dysphoria in then United States, the solution is simple : move to a non climate dysphoric country like in the Muslim world and say inshallah every time you open your weather app on your phone.
a) a supreme legal counsil, which deals with local legal, judicial and executive matters, in today's extant tribal societies in the non-Western world.
b) a group of elders, or regular elderly people, in a social gathering.
c) a conference of people in the same vocational field.
boy a) have you heard of the Mumba-yumba tribe, it's somewhere in Africa, if i am not mistaken. Would you know if they have a Sanchedrin, as in a legal counsil.
boy b) sorry dude, you are barking up the wrong tree. I am a history, not an anthropology, major, so therefore your question is not my whiskey. but what I can tell you however, is that this summer my grandparents are going to a Latin Sanchedrin.
boy a) you mean your comouter-illityerates are going to a summer camp for the elderly, where all they do is speak Latin to each other?
boy b) yes, lol. just about. And here is more cattle fodder. My dad and uncle are also holding a chemistry and biochemistry Sanchedrin at Baskerville Hall, my late paternal grandparents' country estate.
boy a) wow.
to live in one's little alternate utopic reality, while tripping on drugs.
stop trying to live happily ever after; you won't get very far with the Unforgiveables.
7π 3π
to have an enlightenment or an epiphany
President Barack Obama needs to be struck by lightning when it comes to US Foreign Policy
13π 6π
to have an enlightenment or an epiphany
President Barack Obama needs to be struck by lightning when it comes to US Foreign Policy
7π 10π
to have an enlightenment or an epiphany
i want to be struck by lightning
2π 5π
to have an enlightenment or an epiphany
President Barack Obama needs to be struck by lightning when it comes to US Foreign Policy
2π 5π