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to be struck by lightning

to have an enlightenment or an epiphany

president Barack obama needs to be struck by lightning and stop dithering when it comes to US Foreign Policy.

by Sexydimma March 9, 2015

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se ponerse a trabajar como gente normal

A Spanish phrase used to motivate couch potatoes and meaning " yellah , get your behind off the couch and do something productive"

A father starts screaming " son , get your bum off the couch...

Son (interrupting) : yeah, yeah, I know, you wanted to tell me, se ponerse a trabajar como gente normal, right?

father: I won't be spoken to like that, young man, now get off that couch, and go wash dishes.

by Sexydimma June 13, 2013

se ponerse a trabajar como gente normal

A Spanish phrase used to motivate couch potatoes and meaning " yellah , get your behind off the couch and do something productive"

A father starts screaming " son , get your bum off the couch...

Son (interrupting) : yeah, yeah, I know, you wanted to tell me, se ponerse a trabajar como gente normal, right?

father: I won't be spoken to like that, young man, now get off that couch, and go wash dishes.

by Sexydimma June 11, 2013

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get the monkey off your back

To silence one's personal or media critics

If you are going to survive in the modern media or entertainment world, you better learn how to get the monkey off your back.

by Sexydimma April 24, 2021

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get the monkey off your back

To silence one's personal or media critics

If you are going to survive in the modern media or entertainment world, you better learn how to get the monkey off your back.

by Sexydimma June 9, 2017

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A parody of the word bandwagon

The banwagon is what happens when everyone wants to cancel everyone else they don't agree with.

by Sexydimma May 24, 2021


used to describe something, usually food, books and other objects, that are a) uneducational b) unfit for a persons spiritual consumption c) unfit for a persons political, social or moral well being

a boy comes home from school with a bunch of books he picked up at a yard sale and his father looks them over thens says:
how dare you bring such treife books into this house, all youve gotten is a biographjy of karl marx, the communist manifesto by trotsky and a nancy drew mystery story...what rubbish...go and read something more educational, like your high school math and chemistry books...

by Sexydimma December 4, 2011

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