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tunnel vision

(in terms of introspection): to look through one's soul as if it were a tunnel and see nothing but darkness and despair.

depression and drug addiction are hard to treat in part because the depressed and the addicted often have tunnel vision when it comes to introspection and think that there is no way out, so much so that they are even afraid to go and ask for appropriate help.

by Sexydimma August 27, 2013

53πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

tunnel vision

tunnel vision

(in terms of introspection) to look through one's soul as if it were a tunnel and see nothing but darkness and despair.

depression and drug addiction are hard to treat because the depressed and the addicted often have tunnel vision when it comes to introspection. they sometimes for this reason feel misunderstood by the rest of society.

by Sexydimma March 19, 2013

space lemon

A person who daydreams at work

Hey you, you space lemon, spring has sprung. Get up and go back to work

by Sexydimma March 10, 2015

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space lemon

A person who daydreams at work, but the boss, for some reason, doesn't seem to care

Hey you, you space lemon, spring has sprung. Get up and go back to work

by Sexydimma September 14, 2016

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space lemon

A person who daydreams at work, but the boss, for some reason, doesn't seem to care

Hey you, you space lemon, spring has sprung. Get up and go back to work.

by Sexydimma October 5, 2017

hold your shit together

To stop being a buffoon and act in a socially consistent and acceptable way, by not farting or burping in public.

Even if you are at a bar or pub, and still had more than enough to drink, please hold your shit together; if you want to burp or fart or puke, do everyone a favor and excusecyourself to the restroom.

by Sexydimma August 30, 2014

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A physical altercation, violent or not, between either two or more bikers or biker gangs

Have you ever seen a road rage incident turn into a biketercation

by Sexydimma September 24, 2017