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( a combination of the words female and cub)

a) the female version of a cub
b) the teen daughterb of cougar, who will become a cougar herself when she grows up

If your mother is , or was, a cougar, you're more likely to become a feub, definition b), later on

by Sexydimma March 29, 2021


(A combination of the words female and cub, pronounced feb): literally a female version of a cub, on online hookup/dating sites.

If nowadays cougars look for cubs for a craig's-hook , it should not IMHO be a crime for a silver-fox to look for a feub

by Sexydimma April 29, 2014


(A combination of the words female and cub, pronounced feb): literally a female version of a cub, on online hookup/dating sites.

If nowadays cougars look for cubs for a craig's-hook , it should not IMHO be a crime for a silver-fox to look for a feub

by Sexydimma December 8, 2013


(a combination of the words female and cub):

a) A female version of a cub

b) The daughter of a cougar that will one day become a cougar herself

If your mother is a cougar it doesn't mean you will automatically be a feub as in definition b) above

by Sexydimma April 24, 2015



(A combination of the words female and cub, pronounced feb): literally a female version of a cub, on online hookup/dating sites.

If nowadays cougars look for cubs for a craigs-hook, it should not, why should a silver-fox be punished if he wants a feub?

by Sexydimma July 17, 2014


( a combination of the words female and cub)

a) the female version of a cub
b) the teen daughterb of cougar, who will become a cougar herself when she grows up

If your mother is , or was, a cougar, you're more likely to become a feub, definition b), later on

by Sexydimma July 4, 2016


a ) A female version of a cub

b) The daughter of a cougar that can one day become a cougar herself

if a cougar in a zoo has cubs, why can't a human female cougar have a feub as in definition b) above?

by Sexydimma January 16, 2015