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(not to be confused with kiker) : a fellow Kik user

I am on Kik for fun and as a sociological experiment on the development of social media; I am definitely not your kik'er.

by Sexydimma March 21, 2021

3👍 14👎


(not to be confused with kik'er): an offensive term for a WASP man who marries a Jewish woman

i am your fellow kik'er and kiker.

by Sexydimma March 21, 2021

even walls have eyes and ears

(тайное всегда становится ясным in Russian)

an expression meaning

even the best kept of secrets will become known sooner or later

son: dad, how did you know I had bad grades?

father: roflmao son, even walls have eyes and ears. You tried burning your report card, but forgot to take the ashes out of the fireplace; put 2 and 2 together, and you get 4, right?

by Sexydimma November 16, 2014

even walls have eyes and ears

(Тайное становитса Ясным in Russian)

an expression meaning

even the best kept of secrets will become known sooner or later

son: dad, how did you know i had bad grades?

father: (roflmao) son, even walls have eyes and ears. You tried burning your report card, but forgot to take the ashes out of the fireplace; put 2 and 2 together, and you get 4, right?. You therefore Have The Right to Remain Silent.

by Sexydimma April 6, 2013


(as opposed to the interviewer): the person being interviewed

i would rather be the interviewee rather than interviewing someone else

by Sexydimma August 19, 2015


(as opposed to the interviewer): the person being interviewed on a television programme

i would rather be the interviewee rather than interviewing someone else

by Sexydimma May 16, 2015


(a Quebec French acronym for con qui fail d'aplomb): an offensive phrase, which translated to English literally means an oafish, boorish, clumsy person who spectacularly fails at everything they do

(scene from Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets):

diary-released Tom Riddle : Harry, let me take you back in time, and show you who really opened The Chamber of Secrets the first time around.

Harry : who was he?

Tom Riddle: i am sure you would recognize him as Hagrid.

Harry: are you serious?Hagrid? But please don't qualify him as a cqfd

by Sexydimma February 6, 2015

3👍 1👎