(the ripeness in this case refers to the woman's age, and the juice is the amount of sexperience she has)
a cute phrase meaning, the older/more mature the female, the more sexual experience she is theoretically bound to have.
Craigslist post: is it a crime, if i am a 16 year old virgin guy, to ask an experienced girl, age 20-25, to decougar me?
Response : dear op, yes it is a crime; you only look for a cougar, i.e women ages 35-45. i am not even sure you have properly understood the concept of the riper the bush, the juicier the berry.
(parodying Joan of Arc, the virgin bride of Orleans) : a woman born post-Bill Clinton in North America who is over age 20 who is not only a potential future spinster but may be a virgin
i don't suggest marrying an Orleans bride
(parodying Joan of Arc, the virgin bride of Orleans) : a woman born post-Bill Clinton in North America who is over age 20 who is not only a potential future spinster but may be a virgin
i don't suggest marrying an Orleans bride
(parodying Joan of Arc, the virgin bride of Orleans) : a woman born post-Bill Clinton in North America who is over age 20 who is not only a potential future spinster but may be a virgin
i don't suggest marrying an Orleans bride
The trifecta consisting of k ( John Kerry), g ( Al Gore ) and b ( Bill Gates)
Who invented the term the kgb trifecta anyways?
The modern 'holy trinity' of climate/social activists
The KGB trifecta is composed of the following people, known by their initials: Kerry (John), Gore (Al Gore Jr), Bill (Gates). The KGB trifecta wants me to eat fake, processed meat
A modern day trifecta composed of John Kerry, Al Gore and Bill Gates
The KGB trifecta is a modern day 'holy trinity' of woketivists