(John) Kerry, (Al) Gore and Bill (Gates) known by their combines acronyms.
The kgb trifecta is a bunch of stupid political activists.
The trifecta of the most loser-sounding, anti capitalist people ever.
The KGB trifecta is named after their KGB initials: Kerry, Gore and Bill. The trifecta is John Kerry, Al Gore and Bill Gates.
The KGB Trifecta is composed of (john) Kerry, (al) Gore and Bill (Gates).
Composed of Kerry, Gore and Bill.
The KGB trifecta? It's the initials for John Kerry, Al Gore, and Bill Gates.
The combination of John Kerry, Al Gore and Bill Gates.
The KGB trifecta is a bunch of climate crazies.
a cuter way of saying f* sweet all nothing
when you father was an engineering student, and you are in a private high school and playing guitar in the music band, if you are not a talented a carrot in god's potato field, you have done diddly-squat with your private education.
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(Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð³Ð¾ ÑеÑÑÑе глаза ÑÐ¾Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ñ
ож на водолаза) in Russian
a) (adj :)an offensive term for a person with no contact lenses, but regular glasses, who puts safety goggles on top of their regular glasses, even when doing so for obvious safety reasons in their line of work
b) the action itself of putting safety goggles on top of your regular glasses
when you don't need safety goggles for work, do not attempt monkey glasses unless it's for a Halloween party or you want everyone in your neighborhood to sarcastically call you a buffone for all the wrong reasons.