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blown off course

(Being, verb): in Nordic countries such as Canada, coming late to work because of a snowstorm or icestorm.

I was almost blown off course today cuz of the weather; however, being blown off course is not an excuse.

by Sexydimma April 13, 2015

need me one

(its a term I found this term on omegle.com). By the context I understood it to mean : I need one (for) myself / for me

boy a) do you have a gf?

boy b) nah man, I need me one as well

by Sexydimma November 27, 2016

mein kampf

a) "my struggle" as translated from German
b) the title of Hitler's political commifesto
c) one's personal, political and social crusade

you can publish any commifesto you want, but be careful that your mein kampf definition c) isn't misunderstood and misinterpreted by the wrong people, only to become mein kampf, definition b)

by Sexydimma March 1, 2015

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q syndrome

a sexual dysphoria disorder affecting heterosexual, but not heteronormative, individuals

if you are heterosexual but not heteronormative, you probably suffer from q syndrome

by Sexydimma October 28, 2018


a person or alcoholic addicted to beer

every alcoholic is addicted to alcohol, but not every alcoholic is a beeraholic

by Sexydimma December 28, 2017


a person or alcoholic addicted to beer

every alcoholic is addicted to alcohol, but not every alcoholic is a beeraholic

by Sexydimma March 14, 2021


a person or alcoholic addicted to beer

every alcoholic is addicted to alcohol, but not every alcoholic is a beeraholic

by Sexydimma March 13, 2021