rotten apple
an offensive term for a teenager who has disciplinary problems, mainly in school, and is being rebellious against their parents.
mother: Becky, i have bad news for you. answer my question :why have you turned out to be a rotten apple?. I didn't give birth to you so as a teenager you would be a rotten apple.
Becky: Lol. im not a rotten apple, mom. all i do in terms of rebellion is dye my hair purple and listen to rock music; in school my disciplinary problems amount to, at most, me fighting off some bastards of the male gender. you as my computer illiterate simply don't understand the children and teenagers of our generation.
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a) an offensive term for a school age child (under the age of 18) who has disciplinary problems and is being rebellious against their parents.
b) a piece of bad news
mother: Becky, i have a rotten apple for you. I didn't give birth to you so as a teenager you would be a rotten apple.
Becky: Lol. i not a rotten apple, mom. you as my compilliterate simply don't understand the children and teenagers of our generation.
an offensive term for a school age child (under the age of 18) who has disciplinary problems and is being rebellious against their parents.
mother: Becky, what is wrong with you. I didn't give birth to you so as a teenager you would be a rotten apple.
Becky: Lol. i not a rotten apple, mom. you as my computer illiterate simply don't understand the children and teenagers of our generation.
In certain non western countries, to be physically beaten/flogged in public with heavy wooden canes
In Indonesia for example, they don't know what Sodom and Gomorrah is, but people are caned in public for homosexuality, even perceived homosexuality.
a phrase meaning: learn not only social manners, but, above all, how to correctly talk to your elders and people with more power and/or authority than you.
younger brother: yo Amos, you big bully of a brother, give me your candy.
Amos: Sean, idiotagers have no manners these days. I am giving you two choices. now choose between the devil and the deep blue sea. one, either you eat your own cheese for talking to me like that, or two you improve your vocabulary. Got that? Now, go scratch yourself and come back to me when you have made up your mind.
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a phrase meaning: learn how to correctly talk to your elders
younger brother: yo Amos, you big bully of a brother, give me your candy. Where the hell did you get anyways?
Amos: Sean, I am giving you three choices. now choose between the devil and the deep blue sea. one either beat the crap out of you for talking to me like that, two you eat your own cheese, or three, last but not least, you improve your vocabulary. Got that? Now, give me an answer.
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a phrase meaning: learn how to correctly talk to your elders
younger brother: yo Amos, you big bully of a brother, give me your candy.
Amos: Sean, I am giving you three choices. now choose between the devil and the deep blue sea. one I either beat the crap out of you for talking to me like that and you eat your own cheese, or two you improve your vocabulary. Got that?