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Of Titanic proportions

Tchernobyl was a titanesque failure

by Sexydimma June 13, 2021


Of big Titanic-like proportions

This is a titanesque failure

by Sexydimma June 13, 2021

climate change

The antithesis to global warming

While global warming is a tinfoil conspiracy theory climate change, because it has existed before I was born- a d will continue to exist after I die- is real.

by Sexydimma June 30, 2017

18πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

to fuel a mutually beneficial relationship

To reach a common level of understanding, whether in terms of intimacy or anything else

If you want to avoid conflict you need to fuel a mutually beneficial relationship, at least on some issues, with your significant other

by Sexydimma March 19, 2017

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to fuel a mutually beneficial relationship

a) to see eye-to-eye
b) to reach a common level of understanding, whether in terms of intimacy or otherwise

if you want to properly communicate with someone, and avoid conflict, you need to start by learning how to learn how to fuel a mutually beneficial relationship

by Sexydimma December 26, 2014

Canadian resilience

When you are winter-friendly and come to work, even when it's close to -35҄ƒ outside

Canadian resilience is part of culture-shock for a lot of our immigrants.

by Sexydimma February 23, 2015

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ham and cheese sandwich

give me hamcheewich please

by Sexydimma December 26, 2014