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monkey bomb

a offensive term for an IED

if you're going to build a monkey bomb, make sure you have the proper know how, otherwise we are not responsible for you injuring yourself.

by Sexydimma January 6, 2015

the Unforgiveables

(the u of Unforgiveables must always be a capital U): a term of respect, awe and fear term referring, collectively, to the legislative, judicial, and executive orders of one's society.

Thus named because, usually, an person's criminal record is 'unforgiveable, remaining on the books either for a very long period of time or for life.

NB: Not to be confused with The Unforgivable Curses mentioned in the Harry Potter series.

son: can I grow weed in our backyard. i heard in school it's hip and cool today?

father: you can do whatever the hell you please. But remember you write your life in indelible ink. do not get on the wrong side of the Unforgiveables, because your criminal record will most likely follow you to the grave.

by Sexydimma November 10, 2012

the Unforgiveables

(NB: Not to be confused with The Unforgivable Curses mentioned in the Harry Potter series, the u of Unforgiveables must always be a capital U):

a term of respect, awe and fear term referring, collectively, to the legislative, judicial, and executive orders of one's society.

Thus named because, usually, in North America an individual's criminal record is 'unforgiveable', remaining with the individual either for a very long period of time or for life.

son: can I grow weed in our backyard? i heard in school it's hip and cool.

father: you can do whatever the hell you please. But remember you write your life in indelible ink. do not get on the wrong side of the Unforgiveables, because your criminal record will most likely follow you to the grave. now, go scratch yourself

by Sexydimma December 29, 2012

grab capitalism by the balls

N.B: this expression is supposed to be used mainly by WASPs when talking to other WASPs, but this is not mandatory; non-WASPs can, but again this is not mandatory, use other perfectly correct English translations of the same Latin phrase, such a 'grab life by the horns', among others.

(as a pun variation on the Ford F-150 commercial line' grab life by the horns'), this is one of the many possible English translations of the Latin phrase carpe diem.

as to who may have first used the expression grab capitalism by the balls to translate the Latin phrase carpe diem, IMHO as a history major, I would probably have to say it would have been the 'founders' of modern Western WASP capitalism, Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, but i doubt it they would have used the exact same words.

by Sexydimma June 13, 2013

grab capitalism by the balls

(as a pun variation on the Ford F-150 commercial punch line 'grab life by the horns'), this is one of the many possible English translations of the Latin phrase carpe diem.

as to who may have first used the expression grab capitalism by the balls to translate the Latin phrase carpe diem, IMHO as a history major, I would probably have to say it would have been the 'founders' of modern Western WASP capitalism, people like Thomas Jefferson, John Locke and Thomas Hobbes.

by Sexydimma November 13, 2013

grab capitalism by the balls

(as a pun/ variation on the Ford F-150 commercial punch line 'grab life by the horns'): one of the many possible English translations of the Latin phrase carpe diem.

as to who may have first used the expression grab capitalism by the balls to translate the Latin phrase carpe diem, I would probably have to say it would have been the 'founders' of modern WASP capitalism, people like John Locke or Thomas Hobbes.

by Sexydimma January 5, 2017

work your finger to the bone

(may be a New York Italian neighborhood slang): another way of saying "work your ass off"

instead of complaining that you can't find a better job and sitting on welfare, go work your finger to the bone until something else comes along; that's the American dream

by Sexydimma July 31, 2016