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Similar to n.s.f.w., stands for work unrelated

Whereas watching porn on your office computer, even if you're off the clock during lunch, is real n.s.f.w,helping your in-laws get a moving truck during your office hours is w.u.r

by Sexydimma March 7, 2021

5👍 15👎

I ain't no saint

Adj: a sexuality promiscuous, but still morally and publicly decent , teenage girl who is classy in the streets but sassy in the sheets.

If I ain't no saint can characterize your girlfriend, you are so lucky.

by Sexydimma November 5, 2014

snare the groundhog before your foundation is destroyed

to legally take care of a problem before it's too late or before the problem gets worse

if you have a house and a groundhog living under your front porch, you better snare the groundhog before your foundation is destroyed. In this scenario, this phrase IMHO is therefore more than just friendly advice.

by Sexydimma December 28, 2015

pick up your stars in the dust

an nicer of telling someone that respect is not simply deserved because you're you, but because you earned other peoples' respect.

if you happen to be a political pundit or a porch dog, please drive yourself away and start your lives all over again; learn how to pick up your stars in the dust. in the phrase pick up your stars in the dust, the stars also refer to the stars and stripes that denote a military rank on an individual's military uniform.

by Sexydimma December 1, 2016

Christian Grey

( based on the novel trilogy by E.L. James):

(very offensive): a very sexually deviant individual such as doctor Hannibal Lecter, or Lavrentiy Pavlovitch Beria.

any Christian Grey you happen to know should be given a psyche eval right away.

by Sexydimma May 10, 2015

7👍 1👎

Christian Grey

( based on the novel trilogy by E.L. James):

(very offensive): a very sexually deviant individual such as doctor Hannibal Lecter, or Lavrentiy Pavlovitch Beria.

any Christian Grey you happen to know should be given a psyche eval right away.

by Sexydimma August 13, 2015

19👍 8👎

a ghost with a sperm-box

(in Russian призрак с детородным органом) :

a) an offensive term for a Muslim wears the full body burqa, instead of simply the hijab

b) (as a replacement for paternalism): a new misogynistic method of parental control, and punishment, used by ISIS against their female captives

girl: I am considering converting to Islam

boy: do you want to look like a ghost with a sperm-box, as in definition a) above, or would you like to suffer under a misogynistic paternal order?

girl : eeuw....I've never seen or heard of such a thing, i mean as a punishment

boy: well that's what you'll suffer if you do convert to Islam, especially if you want to join ISIS

by Sexydimma July 30, 2016