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go eat rocks

( even more offensive than button the lip) : what you say to someone who is very politically opinionated, not afraid to speak their mind when it comes to politics, as well as arrogantly proud of being politically incorrect as well (all 3 at the same time, in the same person).

son: (starts waving US Confederate flag around the room): I think we should impeach President Barak Obama; he is not doing anything meaningful concerning illegal immigration. I think we should elect either John McCain or Joe Arpaio.

father: since when re you so politically opinionated? it's your mother who's supposed to be politically opinionated, not you. Now, as your father, i am ordering you to kiss the Don's ring, or die. I am ordering you to stop waving that flag, to go eat rocks, and then to your room to do your homework. Got that?

son: yes, but i am entitled to my political opinion, even if I am politically incorrect

by Sexydimma February 7, 2015

5👍 5👎

go eat rocks

( even more offensive than button the lip) : what you say to someone who is very politically opinionated, not afraid to speak their mind when it comes to politics, as well as arrogantly proud of being politically incorrect as well (all 3 at the same time, in the same person).

son: (starts waving US Confederate flag around the room): I think we should impeach President Barak Obama; he is not doing anything meaningful concerning illegal immigration. I think we should elect either John McCain or Joe Arpaio.

father: are you nuts? since when re you so politically opinionated? I think it's your mother's upbringing. she's the one whose supposed to be politically opinionated, not you. Now, as your father, i am ordering you to either kiss the Don's ring or die. I am ordering you to stop waving that US Confederate flag, to go eat rocks, and then off to your room to do your homework Got that?

son: yes, dad. but i am entitled to my political opinion, even if I am politically incorrect

by Sexydimma November 22, 2014

go eat rocks

(offensive) what you say to someone who is not only very politically opinionated, and not afraid to speak their mind when it comes to politics, but also arrogantly proud of being politically incorrect as well.

son: (starts waving US Confederate flag around the room): I think we should impeach President Barak Obama; he is not doing anything meaningful concerning illegal immigration. I think we should elect either John McCain or Joe Arpaio.

father: are you nuts? since when re you so politically opinionated? I think it's your mother's upbringing. she's the one whose supposed to be politically opinionated, not you. Now, as your father, i am ordering you to either kiss the Don's ring or die. I am ordering you to stop waving that US Confederate flag, to go eat rocks, and then off to your room to do your homework Got that?

son: yes, dad. but i am entitled to my political opinion, even if I am politically incorrect

by Sexydimma May 8, 2013


a male equivalent of a mediocrity from the suburbs

if your mother was a mediocrity from the suburbs and/or your father a lumberjack don' t expect to look like either Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie, even if your bedroom skills are better than your parents.

by Sexydimma September 14, 2016


a synonym for `an average Joe` or `hilly-billy`

the term lumberjack can be used as such a synonym because lumberjacks, like almost everyone else, are hard-working everyday people

by Sexydimma September 21, 2014


a) a male equivalent of a mediocrity from the suburbs
b) a synonym for a male "average Joe" or "hilly-billy"

the term lumberjack can be used as a synonym in definition b) because like almost everyone else lumberjacks are hard-working everyday people, and the average North American citizen is indeed hard-working.
and btw, for a person of any gender, if your mother was a mediocrity from the suburbs and/or your father a lumberjack -definition a)- do not expect to look like either Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie, even if your bedroom skill are better than your parents'.

by Sexydimma December 17, 2014


a male equivalent of a mediocrity from the suburbs

if your mother was a mediocrity from the suburbs and/or your father a lumberjack don' t expect to look like either Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie, even if your bedroom skills are better than your parents'.

by Sexydimma March 11, 2015