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Acute onset of convulsions usually attributable to epilepsy.

We was in church when da Holy Ghost gave him a skeeshur.

by Sha Grif Grif September 24, 2003

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Audible respiratory manifestation of acute asthma.

My baby gots the wheezles so i put him on his nippiliza.

by Sha Grif Grif September 24, 2003


A person of Jewish descent. The term is used when in public and it's not appropriate to spell or say J-E-W.

That bastard ripped me off, what a J-O-O.

by Sha Grif Grif September 24, 2003

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A seven-eleven employee.

(When entering a 7-11):

"Reggie-Regg, Why don't you have coke in the slurpee machine?...I'M PISSED!"

by Sha Grif Grif September 25, 2003

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I'm serious...Everybody's serious.

A phrase now copyrighted by one GBG.
Commonly used during heated disscussions when trying to get ones point across about the seriousness of last said statement.

G: I'm serious!

T: (Said in a mocking tone of voice, thinking that he's funny) Everybody's serious!...HEY, THAT'S MINE!!!!

G: It is!!!...It's copyrighted.

by Sha Grif Grif January 13, 2004

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Hey, hey, hey!

A term that orginated from the television show 'What's happening?'. Now usually used as a greeting amonst the female and homosexual 'African American' peoples.

Hey, hey, hey!...Oh, girl what be happenin'?

...That's what's happenin', 'Hey, hey, hey!'

by Sha Grif Grif September 25, 2003

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smell up in my face

A term that is most commonly used on the streets and Maury. Meaning: Get up in my business.

Oh, no you didn't just smell up in my face!

That bitch just went and smelled up in my face, yo.

by Sha Grif Grif September 25, 2003

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