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A Troll that trolls trolls by agreeing with them and then upping the ante.

Troll: Children should be allowed to vote
Ogre: That's SO true! Voting is ageist! Babies should be allowed to vote. From the womb!

by Shadeseeker August 9, 2021


Noun. A person holding an attitude or philosophy in opposition to some or all feminist philosophy. Like feminism, this can describe a broad range of ideas, which we shall attempt to divide into 3 groupings.

Type 1) Egalitarian Anti-feminist. A person who believes in equality between sexes, but does not believe that Feminist philosophy shares those ideals. A person who objects to the idea that females are inherently superior.

Type 2) Natural Anti-feminist. A person who believes that the sexes are divided into various areas of competence, either by God or by nature, and that when a person of one sex steps outside the role of their designated sex, it results in either unhappiness or negative productivity.

Type 3) Misogynistic Anti-feminist. One who believes that women are inferior and ought to be under the leadership of or in service to males.

1) Upon seeing a bumper sticker that states "End violence against women!", a Type 1) Egalitarian Anti-feminist might think: "Why JUST women? Why not end violence altogether? Why should men be of lesser value?"

2)Upon seeing a bumper sticker that states "End violence against women!", a Type 2) Natural Anti-feminist might think:

"Yes. That is among the proper roles of a male; to protect and defend women. Women are not as biologically equipped to do that, and they need men for that purpose"

3) Upon seeing a bumper sticker that states "End violence against women!", a Type 3) Misogynist Anti-feminist might think:

"No. If you don't beat women from time to time, they get uppity. Women don't respect men who will not conquer them; that is why women go back to spouse abusers, but cuckold simps."

by Shadeseeker July 22, 2020

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The act of trolling a troll.
Pretending to agree with someone that is stating a controversial opinion and then stating an even more controversial opinion.

Troll: White people shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Ogre: Oh, I totally agree. You are so right! Voting is racist! No one should be allowed to vote!

by Shadeseeker August 9, 2021