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A term of endearment best used when speaking of or to a friend that uses marijuana recreationally.
It is most correct to use on or near the time of 4:20 or April 20th.


Yo Tyler get on league of legends you homostona!

Fuckkkkkkkkk that homostona stole my fucking scooter...

..oh wait no he's just using it to take that old lady across the street.

Oh homostoners, such gentle men they are.

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by ShadowLing May 18, 2014

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internet bambi

walking, talking, typing troll bait; named after Walt Disney's Bambi for their naivete and innocence

dude, you're being trolled.. stop being such an internet bambi.. SHEEEEESH..

by ShadowLing October 27, 2014

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Internet Zombie

Someone who does nothing but uses the internet all day and consumes content is never satisfied and never contributes.

Man grow a brain and stop being such an internet Zombie!

by ShadowLing October 21, 2018


Sprite and whatever makes you drunk

IҀ™ll have a spunk waiter please

by ShadowLing October 29, 2018

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Bile of Colour

Alex Jones is the opposite of NPC

BOC is chaos. 🐸

by ShadowLing April 21, 2019

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To chew pizza, the only word you are allowed to say with your mouth full while consuming the supreme holiness that is pizza

Pizza.. Pizzachu.. PIZZZAAA

by ShadowLing March 8, 2015

internet orc

There are two meanings of the internet orc. Similar to the internet troll, but worse, The Orc of the interwebs is even uglier and more socially disruptive than the Troll. There are a couple of ways harmless trolling becomes the bashing of an ORC.

1. Straight up Cyber-bullying is Bashing

2. Disregard for the feelings of another is Bashing.
3. Ad Hominem attacks (Bashing another Character)

A second understanding of the orcs of the inter webs is that these are the really really bad trolls who make it too obvious that they are trolling. This is Representative in that orcs are generally much more hideous than trolls and thus orcs are more easily spotted bashing than their more clever troll cousins.

Synonyms: Hater, Dick, Asshole, Ogre, Meanie-weanie, Hateraid-overdoser

Oh fuck you you ugly ORC nobody asked you.

Wow bad trolling. obvious as the ugly fucking orc that you are! you are so bad at trolling!

Next time dont make you disgusting face so apparent you internet orc fuck!

Bad orc is bad.

by ShadowLing October 27, 2014

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