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The ghetto name for Westport, CT... for all the "gangsters" that live in our mcmansions.

Yo man, I heard about this party up in wepo, goin be rich.

by Shaela Isadora November 5, 2007

44👍 9👎


meaning of great quality. usually used to describe someone really great or hot.

god, she is so mikaela.

by Shaela Isadora November 6, 2007

784👍 307👎

Bedford Middle School

A place where children 10-14 go to get tortured for 3 years (unless your bad, in which they lock you in for another year... or two...). The cafeteria is perfect for mass destruction. There aren't hallways dedicated to each grade, so the 8th graders get to scare the shit out of 6th graders, 7th graders get made fun of cause they think they're the shit, and 8th graders get to walk around anywhere and stare down whoever the fuck they want. The teachers have to pretend like they don't hate all the rich brats, but still end up hinting to it a little. The secretaries act like they are on desperate housewives, talking shit about their coworkers and being inpatient bitches to the kids that enter.

I survived Bedford Middle School.

by Shaela Isadora November 6, 2007

57👍 30👎