Source Code


A redheaded vagrant often found in 1) dumpsters, 2)a cardboard box on the corner of sheridan rd, 3) Miami Beach. Creator of the fudgelito. Originally hails from boo city, iowa, where he was raised by rufus.

Dude, shmeltz hasn't fucking showered in 3 days. Amazing.

by Shaft January 26, 2004

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heat repair guy

the persona of a hick of well less than average IQ who was born out of snowy chicago winter in 1998 in order to strike fear in young coeds through the placement of phone calls. note: has a southern accent

coed: hello
hrg: hi, this is dave from heat repair
coed: uh huh
hrg: i gotta report yer heater's broke
coed: seems like its working
hrg: naw, its broke. i'll be out at 5:30 in the mornin to fix it.
coed: what?
hrg: you wanna freeze goddam it? 5:15 it is

by Shaft January 31, 2004

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hood pop

hood pop is a rarely cooked tbone steak that has been mutilated by way of knife.
when a kid rips the steak apart with a knife until its almost soupy.

peter: "yo man, throw on a few of them T-bones you picked up at the store last week

Adam: "aight dog, dont go hood poppin like you did that one time.

Peter: i will give it my best captain.

by Shaft July 23, 2004

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a term used for men who arent really gay but like taking it up the ass continually. either from an overbearing girlfriend or a bullying boss. has no self esteem or penis.

chico man, why'd you let that bitch talk to you like that? you a cockjockey man?

by Shaft March 19, 2003

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lexus suv

large motor vehicle desired by upper middle class women strictly because it costs the bling or a car paid for by men and driven by women

Any dude who drives a lexus suv is a fucking pussy or Muffy and Buffy went to yoga in their lexus suv

by Shaft January 31, 2004

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A straight man who cares about his looks a lot. very vain, and might even look gay.

metrosexuality is NOW.

by Shaft March 29, 2004

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shasta supreme

the ugliest degree of being a shasta disaster. ugly in every possibly way - face, body, personality, everything else. stay away at all costs.

Shasta McNasty and Co.

by Shaft September 27, 2004

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