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The word meh was originally spoken in the early eighties in the south island of New Zealand and was used as a sound filler to convey meaning dependant on inflection and tone. The New Zealanders' dialect in many respcts is lazy. Instead of saying "How are you going," foreign listeners are liable to hear, "air gun," instead, due to the lazy trait of running everthing together. "Meh," was just one of the many attempts to say alot with little. Because of this fact several meanings have been ascribed to it; the ascribers unwittingly unaware that it can have quite a few meanings, due to tone and surroundings.
Said with a downbeat tone it means, "Who cares, I am indifferent to whatever you just said."
Said shortly and curtly it means, "angry now so watch it."
Said loudly and drawing out the "e" vowel sound it means, "shit, bugger, dam, etc.."

"Don't you care about me?"
"Meh." Usually accompnaied by a shoulder shrug.

Short and curt
"Tidy your room now!"

Drawn out and loud
"You're fired."

by Shane Mason August 10, 2005

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