Bishop Fenwick is a private, "catholic" school in Massachusetts. Known for its elitism, lack of real authority and its run down appearance, Fenwick will never cease to surprise you with how low it can lower the bar each year unlike its consistently rising tuition.
Sex, drugs, racism, sexism, and homophobia are common problems at the school. After 4 years you become desensitized to it. You become more shocked that a classroom smells like sugar cookies than a kid agreeing with eugenics after a while. Fenwick is also known for both having too much and no school spirit at the same time. You can find students cheering that they're undefeated while loosing to their shitty rival school, Saint Mary's. Don't expect that same energy at spirit week though.
For how expensive the tuition is, you'd expect it to be a decent school but you'd be wrong. The art wing is so old that it made people sick. The auditorium is in the same state as it was in 1960. They could fix it, but they would have to redo everything to make it handicap accessible which they don't really care about. Most of the funding went into the glass box, Crusader Square, just to look pretty. The 7 mil could've fixed the boiler that keeps exploding, flooding problems, the asbestos in the school, or replacing desks that have been used since the 80s.
The student body is divided into several cliques and if you somehow get tribal voted out, your social life is pretty much demoted to complete social isolation until you graduate.
person 1: hey where do you go to school?
person 2: Bishop Fenwick High School.
person 1: God, I'm so sorry.