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Kind bud

what short bus riders refer to quality weed.
also a pitch line to sell short bus riders weed by referring it to "kind" some know so little they refer to it as "kine" either way people using this term are generally looking for anything not "ditch weed"

Matt sold Ryan "kind bud" at a gloryhole in San Francisco's castro district

by Sharon Jane MartinWeaverBr0wn December 10, 2023

Hermit Mode

Hermit Mode
Hermit Mode is a period in anyone's life where depending on a situation you lock yourself away without telling anyone.

Usually in Hermit Mode you restrict yourself from social networking sites and people in general.

There's many reasons why you'd go into hermit mode such as depression, anxiety, boredom of company, stressed or he/she may haw studying to do but end up playing games anyway.

Basically when people/friends learn this phase every so often, they realise that there's no point trying to talk them out of it, and no point trying to see them.

Carl: Have you seen Milly?

Filip: I think she's in hermit mode


Barbara: I think I'm going to he's over to Milly's

Denise: She's in hermit mode


Hoe: where you been crazy butch

Mildred: Needed some space, went into hermit mode

by Sharon Jane MartinWeaverBr0wn November 2, 2023

113๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Flat as Kansas

a woman with small breasts "mosquito bites" could be considered as flat as the state of Kansas

Lynn is as flat as Kansas

by Sharon Jane MartinWeaverBr0wn May 18, 2023

213๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž