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Chatzpeak (or netspeak) is a popular internet dialect that originated in the 90s & 00s. It's characterized by shortening + abbreviation of words, use of z instead of s, and sometimes da instead of the. (Note: chatspeak sounds cool as all fuck and I wish I were better at it. Fuck all you saying it sounds bad)

Popular words:

Girls: Girlz
Boys: Boyz

You: U
Be: B
Are: R
Talk to you later: TTYL
Friends: Frenz

Mary smith: "I always talk 2 my frenz using chatspeak!"
Her phone:
@xxbloodntearsxxx: GTG, TTYL? <3
@enobydarknessdemtiaxx: Ya, 2nite?

@xxbloodntearsxxx: IAD, LY
@enobydarknessdemtiaxx: LYT <3

by Shed Bifus October 8, 2021

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