Source Code

Rusty sheriffs Badge

your anal opening

my mate is queer he likes to feel a penis up his rusty sherrifs badge

by Sheep January 17, 2004

73👍 30👎


One non-zest who hovers, stalks, and obsesses over a zest, which may include sexual or non sexual crushes on the zest.

"I announced that I liked hugs from meaty people, and all the chubs came running."

by Sheep November 22, 2004

2👍 20👎


a dumbass and a newbie to certain things

I'm such a dumbie at wood working

by Sheep March 20, 2004

45👍 19👎


spidisisses is another way of saying the word spiders. It is a way of calling attention to yourself in a group setting by bringing up a word that has no relevance to anything thats going on anywhere.

yo i was talkin too this chick last night when i realized i got mad spidisisses on my gadorkle looloo.

by Sheep April 15, 2005


a word often used instead of gossip.

crack now? Whats the crack?

by Sheep March 4, 2005

10👍 38👎