Pubg Mobile but with a different name published in India. Same cancer of a game still. Game that you play because you are too poor to buy a Gaming PC/Console. Played by "Chapris". A game that Indians make montages of with random loud Non Copyrighted Music and begs for random people on Instagram to share it. Game that makes teenagers choose youtube as a job and regret their life later.
1. Bijubon - Omg PUBG MOBILE is back in India as Battlegrounds mobile India. Can't wait to play it again.
Aryan - We are no longer friends sorry bro
2. Krishnan - Can you share my Battlegrounds Mobile India montage bro ?
Joydeep - I am blocking you "Chapri"
Usually a beautiful petite babe from the region of assam India.
women with brownish hair and height of around 4'10 from the regions of assam.
Untrustful to unknown people and socially active with their own kind (petites).
merit wise weak considering their genes makes their a little weak on the studies.
So pretty that will keep her Ex's faunt over her for years and still wont let them move on.
comparable with medusa's hair but instead of hair , her teeth .
mf forgot to brush and grow up
always a bitch
however proud owner of a business and has career goals unlike some other people.
KJD: damn that girl is Mugu ?
BJD: wasn't she like your Ex ?
KJD : i still miss her sigh....
BJD : mf had an ex after losing MUGU and still is faunting over her.
AD: SUCH A SIMP.......
JDK:(from his grave) SUCH A SIMP......
Usually used to define people whom you can abuse in assamese language.
Used to express anger.
Also used to your weak gameplay at the other person
Can be beaten too
Not edible though
boy 1: Kela Bijubon Deka ki renda beh.
boy 2: Damn i remember Bijubon Deka keeping my copy of GTA 4 for like 5 years and not returning it.
assamese word meaning Carry On
Used when you run out of things to talk about with others.
Used by Kukkur Muta people.
Considered to be very CHUDUR.
1.Jotin - ki kori aso dada ?
Zubeen - Ene gaan likhi asu.
Jotin - De lagi thaka zubeen daa.
Peasants who are more poor than than console peasants
Self Proclaimed gamers who share their so called montages on Instagram with a huge watermark and effects which gives epilepsy to others.
Usually Shits about why they Don't need to buy a Console/PC.
Not actually REAL gamers.
Doesn't know about others games than PUBG MOBILE , FREE FIRE or CALL OF DUTY MOBILE
Certified Virgins
Boy 1 : Have you tried playing PUBG MOBILE ?
Boy 2 : Ewww , thats that game sucks and only so called MOBILE GAMERS play it
Virgin mobile gamer : Can you please check my Instagram gaming page, i upload PUBG MOBILE montages ?
Chad PC gamer : Get out of my sight , you unworthy MOBILE GAMER
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