Richie tends to be very achieving and determined in life. He is persuaded after a dire concept, or after revenge of problems dealt to him. Richies are most likely good looking, cute, and fun to be around type of guys. Having deep one of one conversations with a Richie make them stand out to you the most. You can trust a Richie, because they are very trustworthy when it comes to secrets and personal issues. People say Richies are usually great kissers and comforting huggers when it comes to those situations. At first, Richies usually seem to be quiet and seem very serious, but overtime, while building a bond with a Richie, they are very easy to get along with, and fun to joke around with since they usually aren't sensitive to topics you bring up. People exaggerate that Richies are top of the class, "rich", but they are usually middle class. They carry along good attributes to make them easy to come to, they're normally creative, outgoing, playful, and extremely trusting.
At first it always looked as if Richie were such a serious guy, but overtime he became more comforting to be around!
The newest of languages â- created by Adrianna Bankerd
Hey have you heard of the new language, WAHE?