A word made up by Gen Z kids on TikTok that is a mix of the word âBludâ and the name âVladimir.
Bludimir did not just say that ð
Swiftly/Sneakily doing something, like walking, or scheming.
Some variations of the word are Vooshily, Vooshable, and Illvooshied.
It can also be spelled like Vooshy, Vüshi, or Vuushee.
Iâll Vooshie around the house and enter through the back window.
Iâm Vooshily scheming to get lots of candy on Halloween.
If youâre going to Sarahâs party, the entrance in the back is Vooshable.
You trying to get into Jaceâs house and his parents finding out was Illvooshied.
A Newgrounds music artist who previously went by Zooloo75, he has made many tracks on the audio portal, but a chunk of them have been removed for using unlicensed and copyrighted samples, but you can find almost all of his tracks that have been removed on YouTube. He is still very active and he is also a very chill guy.
Guy 1: Hey did you hear the new Xorberax track?
Guy 2: No, send it to me.
Newgrounds artist who heavily relies on sampling, he makes killer sounds.
Did you hear that Xorberax Song?
An NG artist known for sampling and making very good music.
Yo, did you hear the new Xorberax track?