toothier means when you have the most teeth.
Harry was toothier than my boss, Peter.
Loveplots can be hyphenated if you want, love-plots.
A loveplot is when you create a story with the theme of romance.
Romeo and Juliet had a Loveplot in the story and the poem was made by William Shakespeare, who created the loveplot.
You can also have loveplots which means many loveplots, only can be used in stories,plays,movies,and tv shows.
William Shakespeare created some of the best loveplots known to man.
When you parentize somebody, you adopt them and raise them without them knowing that they are adopted.
I parentized my child without her knowing that her parents died and that she is adopted.
Noun. A person with abnormally disgusting feet
Deetiest, the person with the most disgusting feet
'My sister, Summer, is a deet, she has dusty feet.
Shortened word. Shooty
Shooty meaning. When you are tempted to kill someone with a gun.
Shootier. When you are the shootier one, the murderous one.
Shootiest . When you are the most shooty out of your group.
Noun. Shootie. Plural. Shooties
Shootie is someone who is tempted to kill someone with a firearm
Shooties is a group of people who are tempted to kill someone with a gun.
George bailey was shooty when he wanted to kill the maid.
George was the shootier one.
George was the shootiest person out of 8 people.
Who is the shootie?
The shooties names are unknown.
A filitodus is a game which where it involved violence and killing, â maybe sexualised plots.â
I bought a filitodus and the game is called call of duty, I canât wait to play it.
Nuisancery means what you are doing is being a complete and an utter nuisance and you can use Nuisanceries if you can which means that more than one person is being a nuisance.
'I am always doing some sort of nuisancery at school or at home, even the teachers hate my nuisancery.'