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excalibur syndrome

Is the belief that you are special and success reigns where others have failed through nothing other than self-entitlement.

"This door is locked!"
"No, you mofo, it isn't!"
"I guess you are right."
"Excalibur syndrome, dude...."
"No shit"

by Shoseph July 21, 2014


Someone who is completely oblivious to the extent to which his/her words hurt another, due to his/her ignorance and self-centred, vainglorious, egotistical nature.

"Are you ok? You look like you wanna gouge someone's eyes out with a spoon..."
"I dunno...I need some fresh air. Amy's relentless with her cutting remarks without a clue what effect it's having."
"Don't worry...Amy's a fucknubbin."
"Yeah, there goes her wedding present - thanks Ross."

by Shoseph March 2, 2015

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