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Issac Miranda

A self centered douche who starts a fight then presses charges. Can often be found hanging out with Hookers since he himself can’t get laid.

Guy 1. Wtf wanna box!
Guy 2. Don’t be an Issac Miranda I know your intentions are to sue me after I kick your ass.

by ShroomCaps69 December 22, 2022

Derrick Fox

An edgy guy in their late 20s early 30s who gets all their information on the internet. Usually seen in packs of 7 or more hanging up on people at downtown bars. Usually know the basics of different fighting styles.

Guy 1: Something with the something I saw on the internet says that my way of thinking is superior.
Guy 2: Bro don’t be such a Derrick Fox.
Guy 1: Nice copy and paste.

by ShroomCaps69 August 15, 2022