Taking a revenge shit on your friend's couch or carpet and blaming it on their unruly dog.
Fucking Trev's Pit bull is a nightmare.
Did you plopdrop?
You knows it! Nothing quite as sweet as watching your mate handle your warm turds.
To be compromised by something posted on social media a la James Gunn, former director of Guardians of the Galaxy franchise.
Don't post that pic, bro, you'll get me gunned at school, yo!
Glad to hear your blooter hole didn't get tore the fuck up when you were in prison.
Like a turd on your kicks, something that must be scraped off or gotten rid of.
We broke up but we're still going to be friends.
Puh-lease, you're doing half of accounts receivable already, she's just the poo on your shoe.
Someone who becomes a born again Christian and goes on about it all the time.
How's your sister?
She's become a bore again Christian. Can't wait for her to leave.
Dating someone because you need somewhere to crash.
I'm staying with Claire.
That girl's a whackjob, dude.
I know but I need a landing pad.
Dropping a vicious fart and then departing the scene so someone else is blamed.
Dude, that stinks.
Wasn't me.
I saw you sneak off into the kitchen, that was a classic drop and go!