a person who skates
people always thinks that skaters are all faggs and are stupid and smoke weed.
sometimes thats true, but usually its not!
only about 1/4 of the people who skateboard are true skaters... the posers are the ones who SAY they can skate, but cant.
A true skater skates because he ENJOYS it. not because its the "cool" or "rad" hehe
also, they usually dont like BMXers...
cuz ANYBODY CAN RIDE A BIKE! only a select few can even get on a skateboard, let alone even ollie!
EX. 1
skater 1: wanna go the skate park today?
skater 2: sure
poser: i can skate too!!!1!!!1!!11!
bothe skaters: shut up fag
EX. 2
skater 1: dude i found this sick rail yesterday at <insert skate spot her> wanna go tomorrow?
skater 2: SICk dude Yeah!
BMXer 1: dude i found a lump of dirt yesterday!
BMXer 2: OH MY GOODNESS AMAZING i love dirt wanna go mess with some skaters?
BMXer 1: sure cuz imma fag!
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