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kalama high school

filled with wannabe gang bangers and guys that think they’re hard asf, but were raised in the suburbs and have a raging nic addiction. the girls at the school are fake ash, except for the ones the “EmO GiRlS” they’re usually pretty cool. rumors are spread weekly and it is very rare that you will find any true friends, but not impossible. everyone in kalama high school have no respect for anyone, and are the most disrespectful little shits you’ll ever meet.

the only ‘cool’ thing about kalama high school is that it was used in the twilight movies.

“yo do yk where kalama high school is”
“yeah, i moved out of that shithole. i hate it there.”

by ShutUp:)) December 2, 2021


very toxic, doesn’t care about anyone but himself. he doesn’t know respect for anyone. probably addicted to nicotine, probably has a small penis and the loudest most disrespectful mf you’ll ever meet

“do yk jake?”
“yeah he’s passed around, every girl has dated him”

by ShutUp:)) December 2, 2021