Is an unofficial term for a temporary state, where your body and mind "rhythm" of time is offset; "mental time" might go slower while "physical time" is sped up, and vice versa
causes for Chronoanxiety might be due to:
Lack of Stimulation/Prolonged Boredom
Existential crises
Chronoanxiety might cause but not limited to:
Nausea, V Anxiety Attack, Panic Attack... etc
"James is currently experiencing Chronoanxiety"
Pronounced as:
/Co/gi/to/mo/nim/e-ros Syndrome
Is an unofficial term for a disability of which one individual's thoughts are grounded to perverseness, sex or the obscene. Cogitomonimeros Syndrone may effect individuals who in there lives took or have seen environments where sexual activity is prominent. this disability may hinder;
Logicial or rational thinking(Problem Solving, etc), Intelligence, Socialization... etc
Cogito from the latin word "Cogito" meaning "to think"/"I think"
Monim from the greek word "Monimo" meaning "Permanent"
Eros from the greek god love and desire
"You have been diagnosed with Cogitomonimeros Syndrome"