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Pile of people

A large group of people, either in real life or in a video game, whom you have to fight.

In the last level , we had to fight a big ol’ pile of people.

by SiL3Nt J September 22, 2023


1) The most bad ass super hero of all — because he doesn’t need super powers; The code name used by Bruce Wayne; 2) A nickname for a really bad ass person; 3)A nickname for someone who is known to be a HUGE Batman fan

1) Batman can defeat any super hero or villain, because he knows how to find weaknesses.
2) That dude knocked out 4 guys by himself — a real life Batman.
3) What’s up Batman?

by SiL3Nt J September 16, 2023

Give my hat to

To show a great deal of respect for.

There aren’t a lot of people I give my hat to, but he was a great worker and really helped me out a lot.

by SiL3Nt J September 13, 2023

Scum Bucket

A despicable or objectionable person; An insult used by Batman in the Animated Series

From the Batman the Animated Series episode ‘Robin’s Reckoning’: ‘All right, scum bucket, it's you, me, and thirty stories. You're gonna tell me exactly what I want to know.’

by SiL3Nt J September 16, 2023

Fock it

Variation of ‘Fuck it,’ meaning you don’t want to or aren’t going to do something.

Fock it, we’ll do it tomorrow.

by SiL3Nt J September 9, 2023

Bitch made punk

A term popularized by the Denzel movie ‘Training Day’: The ‘punk’ part refers to an already whiny and/or weak individual, the ‘bitch made’ part refers to the way that he somehow became somebody’s bitch (usu. by being scared or kissing ass).

From Training Day: ‘You disloyal, fooled ass, bitch made punk.’

by SiL3Nt J September 12, 2023

Hotness Scale

Thing that determines how hot a girl is using the numbers 1-10, 1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest.

Things that can earn her points:
- Being physically attractive
- Having a job
- Having a great personality
- Having little to no sex partners
- Thinking you’re sexy

Things that can lose her points:
- Being physically unattractive
- Not having a job
- Having a bad attitude

- Having lots of sex partners

That girl looks okay, but she’s cool as shit. So that moves her up from being a 5, to about an 8 or a 9 on the hotness scale.

That girls is hot as fuck. But her problem is she knows it. So that moves her down from being a 10 to being maybe a 2 or a 3.

by SiL3Nt J September 21, 2023