When you've been having explosive diarrhea...but your too deep in your game of minecraft and it happens you POOP YO PANTS....?!?!?!
MAN I was about to win the game but TNTARIA SET IN....You guys Know how it goes....I won ....but I POOPED MY PANTIES.....also known as... SLIP TRIPPIN
Whe the woman your having sex with has Covid 19 and she coughs repeatedly....causing her vagina to clinch several times, until you cum.
Hey babe since you coughing I'm going to stop and get you some medicine...but before you take it can I get a COLD CLINCH..???
When your two fingering the G-SPOT with the intent of making her sqirt, and she does....Only your not quick enough to get out of the way in time...Resulting in a complete squirt to the face.
I now know what a squirt tastes like...I found the G-Spot and ended up a SLOW DUCK...