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Slamming Death Metal is the extracted groove from Brutal Death Metal, filled with gutturals, pig squeals, blast beats, palm muting, etc. It's the most brutal and delightful genre ever and the most ultimate of all metal genres. Notable bands such as, Kraanium, Devourment, Epicardiectomy, Abominable Putridity, Vulvectomy, Parasitic Ejaculation, Katalepsy, Disfigurement of Flesh, Waking the Cadaver, Dragging Entrails, Cephalotripsy, Devour The Unborn, Slamophiliac, Slamentation, Gutfed, Cerebral Incubation, Fermented Masturbation, Raped By Pigs, Decomposition of Entrails, Extermination Dismemberment, Coprocephalic, Guttural Slug, Embryectomy, Embryonic Decay, Embryonic Devourment, Morphogenetic Malformation, No One Gets Out Alive, Gutrectomy, Ingested, and many many more. Be a respectable person, listen to slam.

Person: Wtf is that music? It's fucking disturbing!
Guy wearing Visceral Disgorge shirt: Bro it's called slam.

by Sickening Guttural Infection February 28, 2016

34👍 6👎