A catch in American football made with one or both hands while the ball is in contact with the player's helmet as they're down either by the natural physics of falling or by contact.
Refers to the catch made by David Tyree of the Ney York Giants in Super Bowl XLII.
Wow! That was an insane Tyreeception! He was sandwiched by safeties as he came down with that ball!
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Crazy Taxi is a classic Dreamcast game that was converted to fit other platforms like the PS2 and others. The goal of the game is to get people to their destination as quick as possible. The quicker you get them there and the fewer cars you hit on the way the more money you'll get.
There are several moves that you can do with your car to help you like the crazy dash, crazy drift, crazy stop and others which must be mastered for best use. These however are either highly dangerous or impossible for a real car considering both the damage to your transmition and the physics behind them.
12yo kid: Wow, I just got $8,000 on Arcade mode in Crazy Taxi!
Me: Kid, you've got a long ways to go ((I seriously got $43,000 before in real life))
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An illegal immigrant from Canada who's in the USA.
-Hey, look at all these super cheap prescriptions Raphael brought over!
-I love that dryback; he saves me so much money on happy pills!
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Taken (well, more like stolen) from Hairspray, it's the black way of saying "fantastic"
Seaweed: These are my new friends Link Larkin, Penny Pingleton, and Tracy Turnblad.
Stacy: This is so afrotastic!
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Yahoo! Answers is a question & answer website run by Yahoo! with a specific point system unique to the site.
There are 7 different levels which are used to guage a person's usage of the site. About a year ago they actually meant something but now once you're at level 5 on the site you're as far as you can go.
There have been countless complaints directed at Yahoo! Answers and Yahoo! Customer Care for "wrongful violations" in which case trolls, spammers or personal haters would use the user-abuse-reporting tool excessively in which most cases they were automatically processed resulting in Q&A being taken down and even entire deletion of Yahoo! accounts. My personal advice from use of the site: don't use Answers and have your primary email on the same Yahoo! ID, bad idea.
Oh well, I just got kicked off Yahoo! Answers for the 20th time today, I'll just go and open a new account since I'm not IP banned.
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Cramberry juice is any energy drink or a beverage loaded with caffeine and/or sugar that you drink while studying (or more appropriately, cramming) for a big test or exam.
Jimi: Hey Joe, get me some cramberry juice.
Joe: Dude, that's 10 Red Bulls tonight!
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A Smoker's Signature is a way to tell if someone smokes but this method is not 100% accurate but it can be used as an indicator that someone smokes.
The actual signature is that when a smoker sneezes they will not make much sound because their lungs can't hold in as much air as non-smokers can. Their lungs are often constricted as if they have asthma and therefore will not retain much air inhaled before they sneeze.
Jackie has a distinct Smoker's Signature, her sneezes are tiny compared to her swimmer friend.
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