#1: A song by Don McLean. It's a vague history of Rock starting with the death of Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper and some other person I can't remember right now and ending with the introduction of the Rolling Stones (Mick Jagger is known as Satan in the song, "...And Satan on the sideline in a cast" refers to an injury Mick had). It is believed that the name of the song came from the airplane that crashed but in reality the plane could only be identified by it's aircraft pin number, it had no name and never was named. The title of the song is therefore truely unknown.
#2: A movie about teenagers who want to loose their virginity. It is a very quotable movie, for example "I did my fair share of... masturbating in my days, I used to call it stroking the salami. You know your Uncle Herman used to pet the one-eyed snake five, six times a day." Even the weird guy gets laid in the end but he does it with someone's mom, hence the playing of Simon and Garfunkel's "Mrs. Robinson" as the scene cuts out to the next person.
1. American Pie is as easy to sing as pie.
2. We should pull an American Pie one of these days and see who's the last person left out of the bed.
247π 81π
1. The source of my nightmares
2. Borat's favorite type of swim suit
Boy: (waking his mom up) Mommy?
Mom: What is it?
Boy: There's a monster in my closet.
Mom: I thought you already got over your fear of monsters in the closet.
Boy: Yeah, but this one's wearing a mankini.
2. Oh, don't mind that guy, it's just Borat in his mankini.
148π 50π
One of the most famous baseball players of all time, Willie Mays.
There's Jackie Robinson and then there's the Say Hey Kid.
22π 9π
The Grey Screen of Death is another term for the "Disk Read Error" message on PS2}'s. This screen more or less means you have to return it to the store and get a new one or you can disassemble it yourself and do something to it but I've never seen it done personally, I had this on my first PS2 but I returned it and they threw it in this big pile they had of PS2's affected by the Grey Screen of Death.
Not the Grey Screen of Death! Great! First my XBox 360 gets the Red Ring of Death, then my Windows 95 computer gets the Blue Screen of Death, and THEN my iPod gets the White Screen of Death and now THIS!!
11π 3π
Tlachtli is an ancient form of a ballgame played by various cultures although it is generally associated with the Aztecs. The exact pronounciation is as it's spelled but because of the basic translation of native languages to Spanish during the Inquisition it's not how it originally was pronounced.
Anyways, tlachtli was overall a brutal sport, rugby and American football have little on this sport. The game was played with a hard rubber ball (came right off of rubber tress) which became as hard as rock when temperatures dropped. Weighing anywhere from 5 to 10 pounds 2-5 players per team had to hit the ball with their elbows, hips or legs through a stone ring that was placed above the court typically several feet high.
The walls of the court it was played in were slanted So that the ball could make a feable attempt at bouncing off and helped the odds of getting the ball into the stone ring. The court was set up like modern volleyball, one team on one side and the other team on the other side. In some cases the game would go on for days with no break until one team got the ball through the ring to score a point.
The cultural importance of the game was huge to the Ancient Central American people because they would use the game for both weather predictions and as a form of human sacrifice. Priests and fortune tellers would study the path of the ball and they would create primitive forms of almanacs out of their predictions. Also at the end of the game either the winning team (the team that got the ball through the hoops the most) or the losing team would be offered to the ancient gods as sacrifice (the team to be sacrificed likely depended on the tribe such as Aztecs, Incas, ect).
Some modern artifacts remain from the ball courts. In fact a near completely-intact court remains today at Chichen Itza.
We played our own form of tlachtli on Saturday and it was brutal! Our ankles killed like crazy and we'd only scored a few points.
35π 11π
Cramberry juice is any energy drink or a beverage loaded with caffeine and/or sugar that you drink while studying (or more appropriately, cramming) for a big test or exam.
Jimi: Hey Joe, get me some cramberry juice.
Joe: Dude, that's 10 Red Bulls tonight!
10π 4π
A Smoker's Signature is a way to tell if someone smokes but this method is not 100% accurate but it can be used as an indicator that someone smokes.
The actual signature is that when a smoker sneezes they will not make much sound because their lungs can't hold in as much air as non-smokers can. Their lungs are often constricted as if they have asthma and therefore will not retain much air inhaled before they sneeze.
Jackie has a distinct Smoker's Signature, her sneezes are tiny compared to her swimmer friend.
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