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Rebirthed Rosa

A bitch that won't shut the fuck up.

"I don't care if you don't like what I made for dinner!" said Joe's Mom "Stop being such a Rebirthed Rosa and eat your fucking meal!"

by SigmaNut May 26, 2024


A man who expresses the need to stop himself from ejaculating in order to not break his no fap streak.

Josh was a cookel until he saw his bestfriend licking a popsicle.

by SigmaNut May 26, 2024


Someone who is extravagant in the sheets. One of extreme knowledge of bedroom pleasuring.

Luca was such a fuhuhluhtoogan that he was able to make Sebby, Gabe, Nick, and Ellis release before he finished.

by SigmaNut May 26, 2024