Billi-Jean is a woman originally from the Toronto region of Canada. She is and has been a popular and much loved internet celebrity in many venues. She is perhaps most widely recognized for her excellent blogs and journals covering homeschooling, sustainable suburban living, and her always hilarious, interesting, and poignant personal life. Common topics that she discusses are hockey, knitting, cooking, her experiences with being a vegetarian, and the hilarious stories of her family and pets. Her readership and subscribers have managed to place her blogs on many top 10 and 25 lists on a consistent basis. Her excellent photography (that accompanies her posts) also consistently turns up on the front page of Google image searches due to her popularity and high rate of linked material all across the web. Marketers regularly seek her out in an attempt to talk her into endorsing their products on her blog. She is an engineer by trade, but has chosen to be an at home mom to her two children for now. Her popularity is most likely attributed to her ability to intelligently connect people and ideas, make people laugh and cry, and create an experience that people relate to on a very personal level. Currently her personal blog is about her travels, experiences, and home in India.
Did you read Billi-Jean's post? She is so hilarious, and so right on. I can't wait for her next entry.
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