Some guy you'll meet who will push all your buttons. If you ever see one, run, run far away. These are people that generally drive around drunk in their Toyota Hiluxes thinking they own the road when in reality they haven't left their driveway. If you make it into his heart you have achieved one massive goal, because once you do, the stars all line up and he becomes your worst enemy and best friend you will ever meet,
Dude did you hear about Skittis?
Yeah, he crashed his Hilux Legend 45 into his own house yesterday!
Skittis is the type of guy you'll meet who is extremely full of himself, he tends to use slurs even if he's white, and most likely owns a Toyota Hilux Legend 45. However, if you let him in, and close, he might just become your best skittis ever, but that is a big might. If you know a Skittis, preserve him, because he will most likely crash his Toyota Hilux Legend 45 into a ditch and somehow claim that it's the fault of the single mom with 3 kids who drove in the opposing lane in her 2014 Honda Civic who in reality didn't even do anything.
When's the last time you spoke to Skittis?
I dunno dude, though I saw his Hilux Legend 45 in a ditch the other day
That's expected as I saw a short tempered man argue with pole next to him, he kind of looked like Danny DeVito!