The breasts of a male human, when they are particularly large, and therefore slightly female in appearance. See manboobs.
Darren's prominent munglies were often a source of embarrasment for him.
The opposite of a beauty queen. Usually refers to a fat, ugly smelly girl or woman. Best described as Fugly. Can be found in large numbers at Mc Donalds and Wal-Mart eating greasy fast food.
If this Mieskeit was my blind date, I'd tell her/it, I'm
a Fanook who likes quiche, show tunes, Barbara Streissand, Bette Midler and art films.
I got ripped off by a dating service who matched me up with fat, frumpy, Fugly Mieskeit women with short hair and kankles. :-(
24π 14π
when a guy is alone he might want some love - no girls around he'll have to strangle Kojak.
see masturbate
"hey honey im going out for a while"
"alright time to get out my playboy and Strangle Kojak"
13π 1π
Japanese for very, used by otaku's tp express the veryness of something said!
32π 19π
1. Masturbation
2. Listening to Music.
1. HF loves to Pull On.
2. I am pulling on to Britney Spears
5π 11π