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Gabbie is the name reserved only for the genuine and best women on earth. They are really cute, beautiful, very smart, driven, talented, fashionable, loveable, popular, sexy, have a wonderful and playful personality, and has this cute awkwardness about them. They are fun-loving, adventurous, silly, and always suspicious of everyone. They can pretend to be your friend to not make you feel bad. It's hard to get close to a Gabbie at first because they choose their friends wisely and are feel very untrustworthy aout everyone around them. This is a good thing though because if they talk to you, they really mean everything they say and are very straightfoward about their feelings towards someone.
Gabbie's severely underestimate everything about themselves, so you need to constantly prove to them that they are much better than they think.
It's impossible to be actually mad at a Gabbie, no matter what they do, because they are so loveable.
Gabbie's can be confusing sometimes and they can make people go crazy, but in the end, it turns out everything they do that makes you go crazy just makes you like them just that much more. They're definitely much more than meets the eye.

Gabbie sexy amazing beautiful best person you'll ever meet complicated shy adorable awkward bestfriend

by SimplyLovelyPeople5 February 16, 2012

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