narcissist math is when problem occur in a relationship with a narcissist, and nothing about the relationship adds up. There's missing time, hidden agendas, and a ton of lies.
Don't try to figure out how to get along with a narcissist. Just wish them well and move on. The double standards, the zero sum mentality thinking, the all or nothing policies, and just about everything else like the back and forth nature of the guy will have you thinking that the relationship isn't worth saving. The math doesn't math on a narcissistic relationship. Narcissist math is an unsolvable problem, like trying to divide zero between three people.
A decade barrier is when you are so broke that you can't afford a car that was made in the same decade.
Me: I just bought a 2017 Chevy Cruze. I haven't bought a car since 2006!
Them: That's great - you broke the decade barrier.
Garden variety depression that results in not wanting to kill yourself, but hoping you'll die in your sleep soon, is passive aggressive suicide.
Look, I've a had a good run. I'm not going to kill myself, but I wouldn't mind going soon either. It's passive aggressive suicide.
The guy that you continued to hook up with against your better judgement because you couldn't meet anyone else during the shut down is your Corona Cock
Me: So I don't see Steve at all anymore, no booty calls, nothing
Her: Well you're better off anyway
Me: We're back to working, hanging out with friends - I guess he was just my Corona Cock
When you need a break for any reason, but it not scheduled, but you need to take break, because, well, fuck you! take a fuck you break.
(In the middle of a no-joke hike
Me: Why are you stopping?
Her: I'm take a fuck you break, it that alright with you?