A whizcrip is a person who's life is compromised in one area for being differently abled, but excelling in another due to a gift.
Steven Hawking was one helluva a whizcrip; he may have had ALS, but he was one of the greatest geniuses of our time.
In many suburbs across the USA, there is not a single ma and pa restaurant or book store. Instead, there is voluminous amount of franchises to the point that the area looks like franchise barf.
I can't even believe this town. We have four chicken places, Popeye, KFC, Mr. Chicken, and Chick-fil-A, same thing with the all the burger places, but not one unique , quaint, or trendy place to eat. The middle of town just looks like franchise barf!
When someone pisses you off due to their rude, or otherwise bad behavior, and you begin to lose faith in humanity, that person is testing my Jesus
Can you believe Monica? I babysat her cat, picked her up from the airport, and took her to the mall when her car was dead - but when I need a favor, and I wouldn't really call it a favor if she's my bestie, she disappears like a cockroach when the lights come on. Friends like that be testing my Jesus.
Summer camp is code (when you're in public) for lost time due to incarceration or mental health issues, both prisons and psych wards offer activities that resemble summer camp as a child.
Him: Where did you learn how to write so well and meditate? You're amazing!
Me: I thought I told you. I learned in summer camp.
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Prosperity preachers preach in mega-churches. Their motives range from being highly suspect to downright unscrupulous.
Him: Can you believe Joel Osteen didn't open his church during that hurricane in Texas?
Me: What do you expect from a prosperity preacher
Similar to summer teeth, summer veins refers to an IV drug user and the state of their veins, some are here and some are there, some are collapsed, some are blown out.
"Did you hear that Dev is an IV meth user, really bad man. She's probably got summer veins."
A situation where tremendous amounts of money can be made just by capitalizing your personality and ideas. Mark Zuckerburg and Steve Jobs tops the list.
Her: Did you remember how my mom loved Sandra Bullock movies? So simple and funny, yet so good.
Me: My favorite is the Proposal with Ryan Reynolds and Betty White - they are all accidental capitalists.